Look out Australia! Over the last few years Jackall have been designing this new lure. Perfect for Aussie conditions.
With the popularity of the 79mm Squirrel, itâs been Jackalls project for a couple of years now to design a larger version of the lure. Look the same, feel the same, only with a larger profile. they also wanted the lure to cast further on heavy barramundi gear and dive deeper. They've now finished designing and research and come up with a 115mm squirrel that weighs around 21g and dives to approx 4 metres.
They incorporated the same tight shimmy vibrating action and stability on the twitch of the 79mm squirrel in the larger model. Although the lure looks similar to the smash minnow it has a different vibration and dives deeper. Jackall chose their terminals to specifically suit BIG fish (barramundi)
Terminal used:
- Super strong hook hangers.
- Owner Hyperwire 50lb split rings
- Owner STX58 hooks â #1 & #2. They chose these hooks because they are strong, light and have a super sharp point for more positive hookups.