The Bassman Codman Series now has a 4 blade setup with 4 colorado blades to maximise vibrations through the water. The 4 blade design helps the lure sink to the bottom slow which Murray Cod cant resist.
The Bassman codman 4x4 comes in 15 of trellys hand picked colour range with all blades gold and 2 models with fluoro blades. Trellys range of colours have accounted for many magic metre moments for anglers which has helped continue angler trust in the Bassman Spinnerbait Brand. This lure also comes in 3 different weighted heads 1/2oz, 5/8oz and 1oz and is rigged with a soft plastic.
This lure should be used in slower water as the blades tend to be picked up by faster water making it hard to hold your lure in the strike zone.